• Entrepreneur, Investor, Philanthropist

  • Entrepreneur

    Since the US housing collapse and global banking crisis, it is clear that “good old days” are behind us… and aren’t coming back. I believe that the next 30 years will be the time of the entrepreneur. Our world is facing real needs and real challenges. It will be those who use their creative talents, follow their passions, are flexible, scalable, think outside the box, and can react quickly to change, who will set themselves up to prosper in the new economy.

  • Investor

    For years, banks and mutual fund companies have continued to tell the public that the best way to save money for retirement is to invest in a diversified portfolio of mutual funds and bonds. But with 2 stock market collapses in the span of 8 years, bond yields at near record lows, and millions of baby boomers approaching retirement age with little to no money saved, it is clear that their ‘wisdom’ hasn’t worked for us common folks. It’s time to question our assumptions, re-think ‘diversification’ and challenge the status quo.

  • Philanthropist

    I believe in the principles of giving back and supporting charity. We all have a role to play in building our community, city and country. If we don’t like something we see in our world, then let’s take action, get involved, roll up our sleeves and help out.

    With Governments all around the world running record-breaking deficits and cutting social programs, the brunt of these cuts are shouldered by the poor and needed. However, if “we the people” get involved, not only will our communities change, but we ourselves will also change!

  • Mission: Encourage, Inspire, Grow!

    My mission consists of 3 equally important pieces.

    1) Encourage: encourage others to challenge the status quo, trust their gut, follow their passions and live a life of significance.

    2) Inspire: set an example of living life on purpose and inspire others to be different.

    3) Grow: continually push myself to grow through a lifetime of continuous learning and building strategic relationships.

    Mission: Encourage, Inspire, Grow!